I've always loved arts and crafts. When I was a kid, I did so many projects - bead jewelry, hemp necklaces, friendship bracelets, potholders, dream catchers, needlepoint, cross-stitch, hook rugs, etc. I had so much more time then! After college I never seemed to find the time to do the crafts that I had enjoyed so much as a kid. I went to a knitting class with a friend a while back and knitted a few scarves, then got busy with other things. I could barely keep up with the buttons that needed sewn back on and the socks that needed darned.
While I was pregnant with my perfect little girl, I had such great intentions of getting back into all of this. At 6 months pregnant, I bought my first sewing machine. I took classes. I could have been a pro. But then it sat in the corner of my dining room for the next 20 months. Not a whole lot of time to sew with an infant in the house.
Now that my "baby" girl is a year and half, I'm finding myself with a little more time than I had before. I'm still super busy, but I can get away with an occasional project during nap times or after bedtime. Sometimes I can even tinker away while she plays with her toys.
It feels great to create things for my family and friends. My finished products aren't nearly as nice as I'd like for them to be (I am a perfectionist), but I'm learning as I go. My plan (as long as I can stick to it), is to blog about how I do my projects, what works, what doesn't work, what I would do differently next time around, and perhaps I'll mix in some cooking projects as well - I do like to dabble in the kitchen too :)
And maybe I'll get around to sewing on some buttons and darning socks too. Maybe.
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